A dream came to me in which I was told, “Before you give back…you must first learn how to dance.” When I reflected on giving in the past, a favorite poem had come to mind ~ On Giving by Kahlil Gibran ~ timeless wisdom about being a clear channel of God’s grace…
After embracing the dream’s message for awhile, I sensed it was about learning to live with inner peace and joy. A realization dawned on me ~ it would be impossible to pass on that which I had yet to feel…
A journey was calling me to surrender, one of internal cleansing, which felt like a dark night of the soul. Deep-seated fears surfaced, so they could be transformed and released to the light of day. And my essence ~ this love which connects me to everyone ~ could come forth…
I've begun to feel what it’s like to live with a light load, yet a lofty dream. In recent months, I've experienced several synchronicities ~ ones that let me know the major cleansing has been completed, and a new beginning is in the making…
~ I am joining the divine dance ~
After embracing the dream’s message for awhile, I sensed it was about learning to live with inner peace and joy. A realization dawned on me ~ it would be impossible to pass on that which I had yet to feel…
A journey was calling me to surrender, one of internal cleansing, which felt like a dark night of the soul. Deep-seated fears surfaced, so they could be transformed and released to the light of day. And my essence ~ this love which connects me to everyone ~ could come forth…
I've begun to feel what it’s like to live with a light load, yet a lofty dream. In recent months, I've experienced several synchronicities ~ ones that let me know the major cleansing has been completed, and a new beginning is in the making…
~ I am joining the divine dance ~