Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trusting Life

Accustomed to survival

Conditioning from the past ~ habits that served me


Kept the real me safe from harm

Enabled me to take countless steps

To keep walking

I embrace you

I thank you

I am grateful for you

Now I can say good-bye to you

And know that I am safe still

Friday, July 10, 2009

Free Hugs

When I came across this video about the Free Hugs Campaign, it brought a smile to my day ~ I’m sharing it in hope it brings one to yours too!

As notes of interest, when Aboriginals gather, people hug on their left sides, so hearts symbolically touch in the embraces. And Amma the hugging saint has passed on such beauty to the world through these simple gestures.

Inspiring Story! Free Hugs Campaign (Music by Sick Puppies)



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

~ Dancing ~

A dream came to me in which I was told, “Before you give back…you must first learn how to dance.” When I reflected on giving in the past, a favorite poem had come to mind ~ On Giving by Kahlil Gibran ~ timeless wisdom about being a clear channel of God’s grace…

After embracing the dream’s message for awhile, I sensed it was about learning to live with inner peace and joy. A realization dawned on me ~ it would be impossible to pass on that which I had yet to feel…

A journey was calling me to surrender, one of internal cleansing, which felt like a dark night of the soul. Deep-seated fears surfaced, so they could be transformed and released to the light of day. And my essence ~ this love which connects me to everyone ~ could come forth…

I've begun to feel what it’s like to live with a light load, yet a lofty dream. In recent months, I've experienced several synchronicities ~ ones that let me know the major cleansing has been completed, and a new beginning is in the making…

~ I am joining the divine dance ~